
Be Aware Stay SAFE - A well-lived life, like flying, requires constant adjustments. A well-lived life, like flying, requires constant adjustments. The attached picture talks about the 15 things every aviator can teach you about life. Military Aviators spend 9-12 months learning how to do their jobs…..just to get their wings. They then have continuation training that takes place to ensure that they are continually learning and continuing to ensure their “muscle memory - your Lizard Brain”, are kept current. This is a key concept of our Be Aware Stay SAFE Program.

No More Business As Usual There is a choice to be made Keep doing the same thing we have been doing year after year, not making our kids safe OR DISRUPT what we have been doing for years to try and make our school campuses safe, which has failed, AND PREPARE the students with the tools to keep themselves and their fellow students safe
Be Aware Stay SAFE - CRIME PREVENTION Our Emergency Responders are more busy than at any time in the history of our country. They Need Our Help! Our communities are less safe, and the majority of their time is spent Responding…..someone calls the 911 dispatcher and the Emergency Responders go into action. BUT, it takes them time to respond…..we call this the Response Window.